Saturday, December 3, 2011

day 11 post op

I first just want to say that Fox is doing well.. despite the complication he has had and the new ones he is faced with he is such a fighter. Sometimes I think.. when will he catch a break?! but then I look and him and see how strong he is and it doesn't even seem to phase him.
So... he still has his drainage tubes in his chest which is apparently a long time to still have them in .. but he did have a delayed chest closer so it didn't seem that odd to me. Well one of his tubes drainage color started to change kinda milky color so they sent it off to the lab and it turns out he has chylothorax. I'm not expecting anyone to know what this is.. but I'm not going to go into too much detail explaining it... Dr. Google can tell you more if you like:)
Basically it is a complication from surgery. During the surgery his thorax was nicked and now when he gets feeds ( his are still from a tube going in to his belly ) the fats or lipids leak out into the space where they shouldn't be... this of course is not good. Surgery might need to be preformed to fix it or if its small it can heal on its own.. he will go on a special low fat formula that is more like just medicine then a true feed but has the same amount of calories. This does usually mean a prolonged stay in hospital. Ugh really? like really? I feel so bad for him and then I look at him and he looks back and it's like he's tell me "Mom I'll be fine don't worry it's nothing, I've been through worse" He is perfect.
On a extremely happy note.... I got to hold him yesterday! it was one of the best feelings in my life he slept in my arms for 2 hours!!! he knew I was his mom and trusted me even after everything he has gone through I know he feels loved and that is so comforting to know.
And to top it off Brandon and the kids and Grandma are coming down today I'm so over the moon with excitement to see my other loves!
Despite the doctors choosing to leave him on the ventilator for a couple more days this will be an awesome day:)


  1. Annabelle had that after her Norwood... it was kinda stinky but the other formula helped, and she was only on it for 4 weeks, and it didn't come back after that, so YEAH! Praying!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing Nikki... enjoy having Brandon. Tripp and Everly-Rose with you too xxx
