Friday, November 18, 2011

Fox's journey begins

Our brave little man was born november 17, at 1:12pm weighing in at 7 lbs 14oz and 21 inches long! Good size! And he was crying! Yay his cry didn't sound normal tho more grunty and he was very blue. He oxygen stats were in the 30's and he needed to go on cpap. They had trouble getting a line in for the PGE meds that keep his PDA hole in his heart open so that his heart mixes blood. We got to see him before they transferred him to sick kids. I touched his hand for the first time, it was wonderful! I just got stitched up so I was still laying down I only saw the top of his head. But it was the cutest top of a head ever:)
I am not having an easy or even normal recovery after the c-section. Turns out a major deep muscle on the right side of my abdomen was torn pretty bad and the surgeon repaired it for me so I have to be super careful for 2 months. Also I had an excessive amount of blood loss and pain that was so unbearable, they tried every drug and nothing was working just making me sick everywhere. So they ended up having to locally numb some major nerves by a ultrasound guide so I would have some relief. Because of my complications the doctor refused to allow me to go see Fox that night and I had to wait til the next morning at nine. I begged and pleaded and he said he could stop me but doesn't think its safe, I did try and sit up tho and just passed out. The wait til nine the next morning was almost unbearable, but somehow I made it through! And when the moment came that I got to see Fox it was overwhelming he is so strong and covered in wires. Having trouble breathing and still on the cpap machine. They almost had to
Put him on a ventilator bur tried increasing the cpap to the max and that seems to gave stoped the apnea episodes. He had 5 episodes in an hour! They said that is not good at all. My husband and I got to hold little Fox it was amazing.I was only holding him for a few mins when he stopped breathing and they had to take him from me.
On happy ending to today tho, they increased his cpap to the max and so far no more apnea spells. I got to hold him again later today and he is so precious, it's happy times but hard. His poor little face is so swollen because he is on heart failure and he hasn't been able to open his eyes yet. His eyes look like frog eyes just always shut. Poor love, I can't wait to see his beautiful eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Nikki-it sounds like you have been through a lot and will need a careful recovery period. I am glad that this part is over and you can begin your own road to recovery. Fox has a long journey ahead too but from every nurse I have spoken to at work they can't say enough about Sick Kids so Fox is in the best hands. One day or even right now another mom and dad somewhere will read about Fox and know they are not alone. I am really looking forward to seeing all of you on Sunday. Hugs to Brandon, Tripp and Everly-Rose. Hope they are being good for their grandma xoxo
